5 Common Small Business Growing Pains and How DNS Made Easy Can Help
Reston, VA (PRWEB) July 08, 2014
Growing pains: we all have them and none of us like them. Now, it’s time to talk about them.
We aren’t talking about becoming a teenager here, but the hard work and challenges that come with running a business. Owning and operating a company comes with many obstacles and, hopefully, many rewards.
DNS Made Easy experts tackle the five most common challenges and mistakes business owners run into while growing a company. Take a look:
Mistake #1: Plan for the best and forget the rest.
The website is up-and-running; orders and work are flowing in. Everything is going as planned. Then the website goes down. Downtime has a direct result on the bottom line. Take retail giant, Amazon, for example. The Seattle-based company went down for 40 minutes in 2013 and reported $ 5 million in losses during that period.
Remedy: DNS Made Easy’s Elite Resolution Platform is a proprietary multi-tiered framework that creates localized server redundancy and scalability within the DNS Made Easy enterprise IP Anycast+ server constellation.
That means DNS Made Easy’s Automatic DNS Failover & System Monitoring solution can guarantee as soon as a website, service, or internet connection is offline, all traffic will be automatically pointed over to a secondary IP address, server, or provider set up at another location. DNS Made Easy offers the best uptime in the industry.
Mistake #2: The “I must do it all” attitude.
This symptom typically occurs when there is a lot that needs to be done combined with a lack of coordination and unclear roles. Running a business is a multi-faceted job and being all things to all people and doing all things in all jobs doesn’t cut it for long. This strategy might work to start a business, but it doesn’t work to grow one.
Remedy: Share the responsibility. Let DNS Made Easy monitor your systems for the business. Our system will check every two-to-four minutes to ensure a business’ primary IP is responding. If it isn’t, DNS Made Easy will notify the administrator immediately and take action to reroute the IP address until the issue is remedied. DNS Made Easy believes having zero downtime is expected and required in the DNS business.
Mistake #3: Growing alone.
This mistake piggy backs on mistake #2. Failing to see what’s in your blind spots, not interacting with like-minded people and ignoring advice all creates a business vacuum. And we all know from 8th grade science, nothing grows in a vacuum.
Remedy: DNS Made Easy doesn’t want you to face your issues alone. That’s why we created 24-7 support via online or telephone.
Mistake #4: Not using technology to your advantage.
Writing notes by hand on college-ruled paper might work in the short-term, but a thriving business needs to utilize all aspects of technology to stay on top. Gone are the days of the card catalog filing system and in are the technology times.
Remedy: DNS Made Easy operates Internet backbones with the largest and most reliable data providers in the business. Providing answers to each DNS request with complete redundancy is what we guarantee for each of the 8 billion DNS requests we receive each day. DNS Made Easy knows managing our full network from contract, to rack, to router, to switch, to name server is the only way to fully manage and optimize it for speed, redundancy, and scalability. We handle 100% of network management in-house.
Mistake #5: Not maintaining costs.
Expenses can quickly get out of hand. Business loans and growing costs add up fast, which is why keeping a handle on expenses is important early on.
Remedy: DNS Made Easy starts our services package at $ 29.95 per year for a small business. That includes 5 million queries per month, two-factor authentication, 10 domain names and more.
About DNS Made Easy
DNS Made Easy is a subsidiary of Tiggee LLC, and is a world leader in providing global IP Anycast+ enterprise DNS services. DNS Made Easy implemented the industry’s first triple independent Anycast cloud architecture for maximum DNS speed and DNS redundancy. Originally launched in 2002, DNS Made Easy’s services have grown to manage hundreds of thousands of customer domains receiving more than 8.0 billion queries per day. Today, DNS Made Easy builds on a proud history of uptime and is the preferred DNS hosting choice for most major brands, especially companies that compare price and performance of enterprise IP Anycast alternatives.